Over 10,000 happy meditators


Thousands of people have been introduced to the world of meditation through our classes and events. Here’s what we are currently offering…

  • Meditation mornings every Friday 8-8.45 and 9-9.45, read more…
  • We offer a structured series of meditations at least 6 times a year, which are held in English, if not everyone speaks Icelandic.
  • We also organise many other events on the theme of meditation and spirituality; check the front page for latest updates….

What you should know:

  • Everything we offer on our website and our courses is free of charge, always. For us, giving these classes is such a fulfilling experience, and we feel grateful and privileged to be able to share this gift with you.
  • Our approach to meditation is not religious, but it is spiritual – it helps you discover who you are.
  • To sign up for the next class or to find out more – contact 697 3974 (or 551 8080 during working hours) or send us a message on our contact form, and we will be in touch very soon!
    Við getum sent þér skilaboð ef eitthvað er á döfinni næsta árið (í mesta lagi 6-7 skilaboð) • We can send you a text anytime something comes up in the next year (max 6-7 events)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The initial classes are for everybody, no matter what level of meditation they are at. After the initial events are over, we may hold an ongoing series of classes, where we further explore the secrets of meditation and spirituality.

Who (and where) are we?

Our centre was founded in 1974, and since then has introduced the basics of meditation to thousands of Icelanders through our free meditations, classes and workshops.

At the request of our spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy, our classes are always given free of charge.

More about us

Currently, we are located at Ármúli 22, 2nd floor, approximately 15 minutes walking distance from Laugardalslaug swimming pool.

Also : one good way to get a ‘feeling’ for our Centre and the type of meditation we offer is to pop in to Garðurinn (Ecstasy’s Heart-Garden) café or the Sangitamiya music store, both located on Klapparstígur.

They are both owned and staffed by members of our meditation Centre, and aim to offer the same kind of meditative vibration. The staff are always very happy to talk about meditation and answer any questions you might have.

Other things we do…

  • We aim to offer free meditation classes every one or two months – so if you miss this one, please get in touch and we’ll tell you when the next one is scheduled!
  • We also regularly organise concerts of meditative and mantric music and many other artistic, cultural events throughout the year. If you’d like to stay informed, let us know via the contact form…
  • Our meditation teacher, Sri Chinmoy, asked us to give our meditation events free of charge, because true inner peace is the birthright of every person, and something that should not be for sale.

No price is too great to pay for inner peace. Peace is the harmonious control of life. It is vibrant with life-energy. It is a power that easily transcends all our worldly knowledge. Yet it is not separate from our earthly existence. If we open the right avenues within, this peace can be felt here and now.

Sri Chinmoy